The One Thing That is Stopping Your Success

If I asked you who was the most successful salesperson at your business, who would it be? If your answer is not yourself, then you need to think about who you surround yourself with. Are you part of the group that complains about their management, their inventory, their high pricing? Do people come to you to share the latest gossip? If this applies to you, I assure you that you will not be successful.

The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do. —Denis Waitley

Success is a lot of hard work. It comes with a bunch of failures along the way. Being prepared to lose sometimes in order to win is not the same as having a losing mindset. Complaining and negativity are not conducive to your success. When you are surrounded by others that blame circumstances rather than focusing on solutions, your subconscious mind keeps you down. It makes you believe that you are around friends that think and feel the same as you do, empowering you to embrace losing and never realize what winning is like.

If you truly want to be successful, their first thing you can do is look at who you associate with and see if they exhibit the success you want for yourself. The reality is that successful people do not have the time to complain or gossip because they are too busy working hard to be successful. If you’re gossiping and complaining with others, it’s because they have the time to be a part of the group, and not enough time to change their situations for the better.

The road to success includes making sacrifices. As difficult or as wrong as it may seem, challenge yourself to devote the next 30 days to staying away from the complainers and gossipers. Instead, use your time following a process that will lead you to accomplishing goals that you set for yourself. Tell yourself you are going to make 4 more sales (1 extra sale per week) or increase your pay by an extra $1,000 this month, or whatever your goal is. If you can increase your performance and most of all, change your mindset to one of success, then you are on the path of moving forward. Always think of ways to condition your brain to keep you moving forward. As you do so, you will find that the successful people around you will want to be your new friends and have position and educational advice to share. Your managers will change their minds about who they thought you were and start to invest more time in your success. Don’t let your current friends infect your thinking and stop your forward momentum. Don’t be the friend that is stopping someone else’s forward movement. Take this one step and be prepared to crush it!


You Have To Fail To Succeed