Immediately supercharge your sales results with our education and training resources.

Dave Ingland

"The key to successful selling is not to convince or persuade, but to serve and solve."

— Tiffani Bova

Always Be Listening will teach you the secrets to using empathetic listening, rather than closing word tracks, to increase your sales and create customers for life.

Time To Crush It

  • Listen More

    Listen to your prospects with the mindset of empathy and solving their problem, rather than listening so you can respond with a closing word tract. People want to be made to feel special and not be viewed as a means to your commission.

  • Find Your Passion

    Determine what you are passionate about and find a way to stay happy and motivated. For all of the time and energy you have invested in your sales career, it needs to be fun and rewarding if you expect to persevere and be successful.

  • Dream Big

    Your goals may not align with the goals of your manager. Set goals that drive and motivate yourself and dream bigger than anyone around you. Focus on what it takes to achieve a great life and a rewarding career. You got this!